BroTrade on Berachain websocket and REST API.
The only difference between connecting to the BroTrade on Berachain API and the existing Vertex API is changing the host headers for the live API endpoints on Vertex from prod
to bera-prod
Vertex API Endpoint Host Header =
BroTrade API Endpoint Host Header =
Interacting with the BroTrade API will otherwise remain the same as the original Vertex API.
Access the full Vertex API documentation applicable to BroTrade here.
You can find a list of the live BroTrade on Berachain API endpoints below.
Berachain — Mainnet
Gateway Websocket: wss://gateway.bera-prod.vertexprotocol.com/ws
Gateway REST: https://gateway.bera-prod.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Subscriptions: wss://gateway.bera-prod.vertexprotocol.com/subscribe
Archive (Indexer): https://archive.bera-prod.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Trigger: https://trigger.bera-prod.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Berachain — Testnet
Gateway Websocket: wss://gateway.bera-test.vertexprotocol.com/ws
Gateway REST: https://gateway.bera-test.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Subscriptions: wss://gateway.bera-test.vertexprotocol.com/subscribe
Archive (Indexer): https://archive.bera-test.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Trigger: https://trigger.bera-test.vertexprotocol.com/v1
Last updated