Transfer Quote

Transfer USDC between subaccounts under the same wallet.

Rate limits

  • 60 transfer quotes/min or 10 every 10 seconds per wallet. (weight=10)

  • A max of 5 transfer quotes to new recipients (subaccounts) every 24hrs.

    • Note: Transferring quote to a subaccount that doesn't exist, creates the subaccount.

See more details in API Rate limits.





  "transfer_quote": {
    "tx": {
      "sender": "0x7a5ec2748e9065794491a8d29dcf3f9edb8d7c43746573743000000000000000",
      "recipient": "0x7a5ec2748e9065794491a8d29dcf3f9edb8d7c43746573743100000000000000",
      "amount": "10000000000000000000",
      "nonce": "1"
    "signature": "0x"

Request Parameters


See more details and examples in our signing page.

The solidity typed data struct that needs to be signed is:

struct TransferQuote {
    bytes32 sender;
    bytes32 recipient;
    uint128 amount;
    uint64 nonce;

sender: a bytes32 sent as a hex string; includes the address and the subaccount identifier.

recipient: a bytes32 sent as a hex string; includes the address and the subaccount identifier.

amount: the amount of quote to transfer, sent as an x18 string.


  • If you are transferring 5 USDC, must specify 5000000000000000000 i.e 5 USDC * 1e18.

  • Transfer amount should be >= 5 USDC.

nonce: the tx_nonce. This is an incrementing nonce, can be obtained using the Nonces query.

Note: for signing you should always use the data type specified in the solidity struct which might be different from the type sent in the request e.g: nonce should be an uint64 for Signing but should be sent as a string in the final payload.



  "status": "success",
  "signature": {signature},
  "request_type": "execute_transfer_quote"


  "status": "failure",
  "signature": {signature},
  "error": "{error_msg}",
  "error_code": {error_code},
  "request_type": "execute_transfer_quote"

Last updated