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๐Ÿ”ฅBuyback & Burn Program

Learn more about the ongoing VRTX Buyback & Burn program.


The Buyback & Burn program is designed to use a portion of retained protocol revenue from the Vertex protocol (e.g., trading fees) to purchase VRTX on a forward-looking basis then subsequently burning the tokens.

Acquired VRTX with protocol revenue will be sent in full to the burn address below.

Periodic updates regarding the Buyback & Burn program will be provided to the community. You can find a data visualization of the current burn program status in Flipside's dashboard below.

List of Buyback & Burn Transaction Hashes

Cumulative Total Burned (06/25/204) = 3 Million VRTX

06/05/2024: 2 Million VRTX Burned

06/25/2024: 1 Million VRTX Burned

Note: The shift to the Buyback & Burn program is a change to the original Buyback & Stake program originally announced on April 30th, 2024. You can find the original program announcement and associated wallets below:

Disclosures: VRTX Token Supply Distribution Section

Last updated