โค๏ธMargin Health
Risk management, simplified.
Because of the exchanges Unified Cross-Margin design, every balance, including Unsettled PnL, Perp Positions, Pool, and Spread have some impact on an account's margin.
As such, the Margin Manager is designed to give traders a birds-eye view of everything going on within their account and the impact on margin. It is a tool to understand an account's health and manage risk accordingly.
Understanding the Margin Manager
Head to the Margin Manager page by clicking on Portfolio and using the sub-page navigation.
At the top of the page you will find your account's initial and maintenance margin details:
Initial Margin = What you have to trade with aka initiate new positions.
Maintenance Margin = What you have until you can get liquidated -- aka maintain.
The rest of the page displays your balances, positions, pools, and spreads. In each table you will find two Weight / Margin columns unique to this page.
The margin part will have a [+] or [-]:
[+] = How much it contributes to your available funds and funds until liquidation.
[-] = How much it reduces your available funds and funds until liquidation.
The $ totals in the initial and maintenance margin cards at the top are the sums of the weight / margin columns:
Available Funds = The sum of all the Initial Margin table columns.
Funds Until Liq. = The sum of all the Maintenance Margin table columns.
Margin Usage and Liq. Risk
In the initial and maintenance margin cards at the top will find both a $ and % stat.
Both display the same thing just represented differently:
Available Funds and Margin Usage reflect your account's ability to trade.
Funds Until Liq. and Liq. Risk reflect how close your account is to liquidation.
You can think of them as the inverse, whereby:
$0 = 100%
Margin Usage
The percent of your total initial weighted margin being used by positions.
Sum [-] initial margin / [+] maint. margin -- represented using a %.
100% Margin Usage = $0.00 Available Funds
Liquidation Risk
The percent of your total maint. weighted margin being used by positions.
Sum of [-] maint. margin / [+] maint. margin -- represented using a %.
100% liq. risk = Liquidation
Last updated